Public/Private Blockchain & AI: An International Journey
We conducted this amazing event with the Dutch Embassy on the 14th. We explored, with a high calibre group of people, the practical use cases of blockchain and AI, two of the fastest growing emerging market technologies. We also touched upon the initiatives that are being developed through a global extent, and compared them with each other.
Our Founder/CEO Mona Zoet first gave a welcome speech, kicking off the session after an hour of open networking and lunch.
Ambassador of Netherlands to Singapore, Margriet Vonno then started off by sharing her insights on the two technologies, highlighting their importance.
Vonno passed her word to Marloes Pomp, from Blockchain Projects. Marloes introduced 3 of the biggest and most impactful initiatives they deploy, in Netherlands.
Complementing the keynotes, we conducted a panel discussion evolving around the rise and importance of Blockchain and AI . The main aim of the discussion was to reveal how the use cases differ from culture to culture and sector to sector. Accordingly, we had representitives from public and private sectors from both Singapore and Netherlands:
Anson Zeall from Singapore FinTech Association
Elliot Donata from Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Djuri Baars from Rabobank
Chionh Cyhe Kit from
Antonio DeLorenzo from ING Innovation Lab
Lastly, we had an Announcement, Pitch & Updates Session where we accommodated presentations in which start-ups and/or corporates introduce themselves and share news.
Here is our event highlights video. Enjoy!